README file for CD-ROM Sampler, Fall 1994 © 1994 New Machine Publishing. All Rights Reserved. =========================================================================== Welcome to The CD-ROM Sampler! Please glance over these paragraphs, and if you have any questions call us! =========================================================================== INSTALLATION: The CD-ROM Sampler requires Apple's QuickTime for Windows, which is included on the disc. To install the Sampler, run the INSTALL.EXE program in the \PC directory on the CD-ROM. The installation is completely noninvasive and consists only of creating a program group and icons in the Program Manager which point to the CD-ROM drive applications. YOUR NEW ICONS: The Quicktime MOVIE PLAYER is left in your New Machine program group. Use this to view any *.mov files on the CD-ROM individually. The Quicktime PICTURE VIEWER can be used to view the *.pic files in the \pc\sampler\jshicks directory. These are 16-bit, 32,000 color images that look great if you have the hardware. They're big files and may take a while to load. The .bmp files shown in the Sampler are all 8-bit. Mouse clicking on any active movie screen turns the sound on or off. So if you believe you are missing audio, first try clicking on an active movie screen. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: To use the Sampler you should have a 386 or better CPU with 8-bit (256 color) or better graphics, a sound card, Microsoft Windows 3.1 and DOS 5.0, and a mouse. Your PC should have at least 4MB of RAM, and a CD-ROM drive. For viewing digital video a 16-bit (32,000) color video adapter is recommended. An 8-bit display also looks good. The release of QuickTime for Windows included with the Sampler is optimized for 8- and 16-bit video. Be sure Windows is using a display driver that will provide 256 colors (or higher). This product is not designed for 16-color displays (eg., the standard Windows VGA driver). If your colors look bad, run Windows Setup to install the display driver provided by your video card manufacturer that supports 256 colors (any resolution). If you don't have much video memory, select "640x480 256 color" in Windows Setup. Certain high-resolution video cards may require updated driver software for correct operation of QuickTime for Windows. Please contact your video board manufacturer to see if newer driver software is available. Operation will be a little faster, the window will be physically largest, and best results are expected, if you use 640x480 resolution rather than anything higher. If you operate in 1024x768 resolution, you may find that the "small fonts" driver works better than the "large fonts" driver (or, less frequently, vice versa, depending who wrote the drivers). Some configurations can report "Can't load custom control DLL QTMovie.VBX." Should this happen, just run the Movie Player (Player.EXE), quit, and start the program again. If you have problems reading any of your CD-ROMs check the CD-ROM for any scratches or finger prints. Use a soft cloth to wipe from the center to the edge. CD-ROMs are more vulnerable to damage than audio CDs, so always place them in the jewel box or CD caddies whenever possible. Video play is improved by caching from the CD-ROM drive. The DOS 6.2 version of SmartDrive includes a CD cache which works well. To use it, start smartdrv.exe from your autoexec.bat and include the following line in your config.sys file: device=c:\dos\smartdrv.exe /double_buffer See your DOS manual for more details. Color conflicts can be caused by your wallpaper. If the program loads up in the wrong colors, simply quit, set the wallpaper to [none] in Control-Panel|Desktop and run again. ATI's "Crystal Fonts" mode is not supported. Change the Video driver to 1024x768 small fonts, or use a lower resolution. Should you have a problem with a Sony CD-ROM drive (such as the CDU-31A which ships with many Gateway multimedia systems) which uses the SLCD.SYS driver, you should get an update of this driver if you have any version prior to 1.71A. Our photo discs (non-video products) work fine with the old drivers. If memory managers such as QEMM or 386 MAX are used and the program does not work, sometimes the creation of a system boot disk which loads only the necessary devices, all loaded low, will fix the problem. If you have a Packard Bell System with a Headland Technology Video Card, your system's video may look displaced or elongated. This is because the Headland Technology drivers are incompatible with QuickTime. One of two things can be done: 1) Call Microsoft and get the Microsoft 640x480 256 color driver and hope you have the 1MB video card on your system. If you have the 512k card then this option will not help you. 2) Get a new video card. The Headland Technology card, while compatible with some video, is not compatible with all. Cards proven compatible such as the Trident, Diamond or Cirrus video cards are rather affordable, and provide compatible drivers on included diskettes. =========================================================================== WARRANTY AND TERMS OF LIABILITY New Machine Publishing makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. New Machine Publishing does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of its correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, and otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some jurisdictions. The above exclusion may not apply to you. In no event will New Machine Publishing, and their directors, officers, employees, or agents be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the software even if New Machine Publishing has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of limitation for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you. New Machine Publishing's liability to you for actual damages from any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise), be limited to $1. =========================================================================== COPYRIGHT NOTICES: QuickTime for Windows files are copyright Apple Computer, Inc.